- Improving Diabetes Care in Small Towns and Rural Locations
- Understanding Osteoarthritic Pain and Cognitive Impairment
- AI and Geriatric Medicine
- Hypertension: What’s the Gut Have to Do With It?
- Alcohol, Health, and Older Adults
- Can Cognitive Training Help Prevent Falls?
- Environmental Exposure and Neurodegeneration
- Coaching on Lifestyle Interventions Can Slow Cognitive Decline
- Promising Research May Spur New Treatments for Dysphagia
- Hot Flashes, Memory, and Heart Health
- Advancing Geriatric Clinical Trials
- The Bone/Brain Connection
- Frailty and the Microbiome
- Clothing and New Smart Technology Solutions for Protecting Hips
- Multiple Realities
- Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers: A New Standard of Care
- Hearing Loss Affects Physical Function
- Menopause and Brain Health
- Are Prediabetes & Type 2 Diabetes Reversible?
- Social Isolation: A Matter of the Heart
- Eating for Better Sleep
- The Power of Sound
- Prostate Cancer Medications
- Easy Does It
- Vibration Therapy for Older Adults
- Researchers Make Progress in Early Detection of Parkinson’s Disease
- Risks of Common Drug Use
- The Link Between Heart Health and Hydration
- The Healing Power of Light
- The Pros and Cons of Coffee Consumption for Older Adults
- Clinical Trial Diversity: Lessons Learned From a Pandemic
- New Research on Sleep Apnea
- Targeted Exercise Reduces Risk
- Medication Delivery Directly to the Lungs
- Addressing Social Needs in Women With Gynecologic Cancer
- Cerebral Palsy — Improving Care for Older Adults
- Recruiting and Retaining Alzheimer’s Patients for Clinical Trials
- Swimming to Fitness
- Aducanumab’s Approval Sparks an Uproar
- Overcoming Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer Radiotherapy
- Targeted Exercise Reduces Risk
- Matters of the Heart
- Social Determinants & Stroke
- Hearing Loss and Dementia
- Prehabilitation
- Technological Innovations in SNFs
- The Impact of COVID-19 in Long Term Care
- Anemia: A Risk Factor for COVID-19
- Digital Decision Making and Safety in the COVID World
- Dietary Guidance for COPD
- COVID-19’s Effect on Kidney Health
- Easy Does It
- Hypertension in Black Americans
- Sarcopenia & Diabetes
- Tramadol and Hip Fracture
- Tai Chi for Older Adults With Back Pain
- Virtual Physical Therapy, Telehealth for Total Knee Replacement
- Statins & Ovarian Cancer
- Sleep Apnea & Heart Disease: What’s the Connection?
- Arthritis and Cardiovascular Disease
- Genetics of Osteoporosis
- Light Therapy: A Promising Option for Menopausal Hair Loss
- Sharper Contrast
- Advance Care Planning for Families of Adults With Dementia
- There’s More Than One Type of Vitamin E
- New Findings in Age-Related Hearing Loss
- Atherosclerosis and Aging
- Trends in Parenteral Nutrition
- Chronic Respiratory Disease
- Art-Based Activities May Prevent Delirium
- Exercise and Dementia
- Upper Age Limits in Clinical Trials
- Brain Training and Cognitive Performance
- Surgery & Cognition
- Treating Persistent Grief With Accelerated Resolution Therapy
- Touch Your Toes! A Brief Measure of Executive Function in Older Adults
- The Ketogenic Diet and Alzheimer's Disease
- 'Beeting' Alzheimer's Disease
- Sedentary Habits Linked to Memory Loss
- Improving Warfarin Adherence in Elders
- Fighting Racial Health Disparities in Alzheimer's Disease
- Improving Elders' Driving Safety
- Brain Health and Dementia: Challenge or Opportunity?
- Mediterranean Diet Improves Cognition, Memory, and Brain Volume
- Exercise Is Medicine
- Elders' Loneliness Constitutes a Health Problem
- Enhancing Innovative Cognitive and Brain Networks
- Osteoporosis Patients With Comorbidities: All Foods Can Fit
- Parkinson's Disease Patients' Singing Improves Voice and Swallow Impairment
- Brain Activity Affects Fall Risk
- Diet and Alzheimer's Disease
- Predicting Dementia via Gait Slowing While Talking
- Death Certificate Accuracy: Why It Matters and How to Achieve It
- The Powerful Impact of Meals on Wheels
- Study Reinforces Walking's Heart Health Benefit
- Top 5 Alternative Diabetes Therapies: Are Patients Undermining Their Treatment?
- Anticoagulation Therapy After a Major Bleeding Event
- Tablet Devices Can Calm Agitation in Dementia
- Bugs and Bones: Connecting Gut Bacteria and Bone Health
- GCH1 Gene Mutation Linked to Early Onset of Parkinson's Disease in Caucasians
- Identifying Lewy Body Dementia
- Harnessing the Immune System to Treat C diff Infection
- Singing With People With Dementia
- New Guidelines on Nutrition Support for the Critically Ill
- Cognitive Training to Oppugn Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
- New Approach to Assess Elders' Balance
- Neuroprosthetic Implant Improves Walking Ability in Stroke Patients
- Fit2Drive: New App Predicts On-Road Driving Ability in Patients With Dementia
- Questions on Calcium and Vitamin D Recommendations
- Progeria: Parallels With Adult Aging
- Nutrition's Link to Brain Health
- 6 Ways Technology Is Changing Diabetes Care
- Frozen Fecal Microbiota Transplantation
- Use It or Lose It: Redefining an Old Idea
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Pseudobulbar Affect
- Tai Chi Intervention Reduces Fear of Falling
- Magnetic Resonance–Guided Focused Ultrasound Therapy for Essential Tremor
- Exercise's Impact on Cognition
- Saturated Fat: Friend or Foe?
- Music Therapy in Cardiovascular Patients
- EuroQol Measures Stroke Outcome
- Pseudohypogonadism: Making Men Believe They Need Testosterone
- Brain Inflammation and Outcomes in Alzheimer's Disease
- The MIND Diet: Fighting Dementia With Food
- Andropause Isn't Menopause — But It's Real
- Long-Term Bisphosphonate Use: When to Stop? When to Restart?
- Frozen Fecal Microbiota Capsules Treat C Diff
- Healthy Steps for Older Adults: A Statewide Approach to Preventing Falls
- Home INR Monitoring Improves Warfarin Therapy
- Gait Speed Reflects Cognitive Function
- Lighting Affects Dementia Patients’ Sleep
- Fit and Strong! Improves Arthritis Symptoms
- Adverse Medical Events Prevalent With Medicare
- Pharmacogenomic Treatment Support
- Assessing Aspirin Efficacy for Heart Patients
- Statin Nation
- Wound Care Management
- New Transcarotid Stenting Procedure
- Alzheimer’s Disease and the Blood-Brain Barrier
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation in COPD: A Second Wind
- Interventions Bolster Fall Prevention
- Rising Demand for Total Hip Arthroplasty
- New Surgical Options for Back Pain
- New Target for Therapy in AD Patients
- Memory Maintenance
- Warfarin Replacement?
- ACE Units Improve Complex Patient Management
- Chemoprevention Reduces Breast Cancer Risk
- Hormone Therapy for Menopausal Symptoms?
- Goggles Differentiate Between Stroke and Vertigo
- DBS to Treat Alzheimer’s Patients?
- Calcium, Vitamin D, and Common Sense
- Metformin vs. Sulfonylureas to Reduce Cardiac Risk?
- Promising Intervention for Stroke Patients
- CardioFit Device Shows Promise in Treating Heart Failure
- Telemedicine Facilitates ‘House Calls’
- Critical Aspects of Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
- Innovative Stroke Rehabilitation
- Innovative Sensor to Stop Falls
- BP Difference Between Arms Warrants Investigation
- Brain Stimulation to Improve Speech After Stroke
- The Future of Skin
- Diagnosing Peripheral Neuropathy
- Coronary Calcium Test Predicts Heart Attack Risk
- 12/15-Lipoxygenase’s Role in AD Prevention
- New Technology to Detect, Diagnose AD
- Rebranding Exercise
- Essential Tremor Treatment Shows Promise
- Biochips to Monitor Patients
- Physicians as Supplement Supervisors
- Catheter Conundrum: Reducing Unnecessary Placement
- Detecting Artery Blockage With Light and Sound
- Combating Dementia With Infrared Light?
- Combating Clostridium Difficile
- STD Prevalence Demands Clinical Awareness
- Infection After Implant: Cardiac Devices Warrant Vigilance
- Bionic Boomers? New Joints Enable Active Lifestyles
- No Gender Discrimination: Urinary Incontinence Affects Both Men and Women
- Deep Brain Stimulation
- Osteoporosis as a Priority
- Seizures in Older Adults
- New Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease
- Bidirectional Diabetes-Depression Link
- Enhancing Blood Supply — Revascularization Procedure Options for Your Patients
- Stepping Up Therapy for Stroke Survivors
- MMSE vs. MoCA: What You Should Know
- New Molecular Tools Developed in Alzheimer’s Research
- The Need to Know — Alternative Medicine and Your Patients
- A Call to Action: Inform Patients of Clinical Trials
- Beware Herbal Supplements With Heart Meds
- Cardiac Rehab: High Value, Low Usage
- Brain Fitness Games: The Real Deal?
- New Perspectives on Elders’ Sleep
- Optimism on Osteoporosis: Research and Treatment
- Probiotics — Gut Reactions
- A New Purview for HIV/AIDS
- New Hope in Neuroprotection? A Parkinson’s Disease Update